Embark on a magical day trip to the Thursford Christmas Spectacular Show, a festive extravaganza that promises to enchant your senses. Our journey begins with a comfortable ride, featuring a scheduled comfort stop en route. Arriving at the show around 1800, your admission is included in the price, unlocking the doors to a world of mesmerising music, dance, and holiday spirit. The collection for the return journey will be at around 2200, ensuring a day filled with festive joy.
Note to Customers: Admission to the Thursford Christmas Spectacular Show is included in your day trip package. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the magic – book your seat now for an unforgettable festive experience!
Booking Details:
- Pick-up code: O
- Drop-off/Pick-up Location: Thursford Christmas Spectacular Show
- Show Start: 1900
- Collection Time: 2200
Join us for a day of holiday cheer, and let the magic of Christmas unfold at the Thursford Christmas Spectacular Show!